Look Up by Margaret Dubay Mikus, Copyright 2016
Listen to poem here: https://youtu.be/eBZyB2KzYqU
To Take My Own Advice
Some wrongs you can make right
some are not your job to fix
your life to live
Letting go is all you can do
(doing nothing is harder than it looks)
You do what you can
from what you have and where you are
You scan the horizon
and on the good days
you do what you can
And if you remember you are not
the god of anyone
and if you remember no one is like you
and what you might advise
are strung words strained through your filter
flung words flowing on a river
and you have no control whatsoever
of whether or who or when or where
All you can do is breathe out, breathe in
and right what wrongs you can
Be kind to someone
comfort, breathe with them, hold a hand
be gentle, do unto others as…
Margaret Dubay Mikus
© 2016
From upcoming collection: Resist the Slide into Darkness by Margaret Dubay Mikus
I wrote this from heartfelt personal circumstances, but it more broadly applies to today.
Enjoying browsing your poetry! Got here via SCN e-letter spotlight on same. This poem especially appeals – a keeper.
Thank you so much, Jazz!