Author Archives: Margaret Dubay Mikus

Dealing with Darkness

Sunset Walk, Copyright 2016 by MD Mikus

Sunset Walk, Copyright 2016 by MD Mikus

I don’t think I am alone in feeling a lot of personal darkness these days. The news is filled with it. A Facebook post yesterday from Karla McLaren, M.Ed., reminded me of this poem from my CD, Full Blooming:Selections from a Poetic Journey. I chose poems for the CD to represent all of life and this was one aspect. Please feel free to share. Thank you.


Darkness So Absolute

When I am in the darkness
so absolute no light escapes or enters,
I can consider the idea that light exists
and remember and reminisce.

Though the tunnel seems eternal,
and I navigate by running ragged hands along rough walls,
I am willing to entertain the possibility
that eventually I will again escape into sun.

It has already been decided,
much to my relief, that I will not take my life;
love binds me here and I accept that as fact.
And so, in darkness, I sit or I walk

or I wait or I pray for the lifting of heavy sky.
And thus far, it has always lifted.

Margaret Dubay Mikus
© 2002

Listen my reading on track #40. The CD is available in digital or physical form.


In Remembrance and Healing

Should We

be known
by our scars
or by how far
we’ve come since
that wounding?

Could we
look at
where we are,
where we’ve been
and what’s been done?

Margaret Dubay Mikus
© 1996

I wrote this poem in August of 1996, after surgery for breast cancer and right before chemotherapy. It came to mind today in honor of remembering 9/11/2001. And all the various kinds of scars of life. This is one of my poems I know by heart…and use still in all kinds of challenges. Please feel free to share.


From my book, As Easy as Breathing: Reclaiming Power for Healing and Transformation

Listen to it on track 9 of my CD, Full Blooming: Selections from a Poetic Journal

Read these previous 9/11 posts:
On This Particular Day
Poems as Memory

Choosing Expansive

State Street, Chicago Copyright 2012 MDMikus

State Street, Chicago Copyright 2012 MDMikus

I wrote this poem when I was a mentor for a 7th grade girl through the Spark Program. I would drive 30 miles into Chicago and we’d meet at an Argo Tea shop downtown after school. After a snack, we’d talk about and read poetry. She’d write from prompts I gave her or her own ideas, and plan and carry out her project.

In 2012 the high school graduation rate for Chicago public schools was low, about 60%. The Spark Program (begun in San Francisco, now in four cities) was meant to give individual attention and apprenticeships to students to encourage them to stay in school and graduate. I wrote while I waited for her to come, and in my car afterwards, and elsewhere inspired by the whole process. I also took Chicago photos, which I love to do (see above). She ended up creating an amazing collection of her poems paired with her vividly colorful designs (including glitter stickers) and presenting it to the entire group at the end. Very cool!

Here is one of my own “Spark” poems:

Choosing Expansive

(Spark #2)

A door opens
walk through.
Opportunity knocks
A boat glides up to the dock
where you stand waiting
to take you to your dream
no explanations
no guarantees.
If you don’t go
you will wonder
and if you don’t go
what will you do
and if you don’t…go
when will you find out
just what you are made of
just what you could be
if only?

Margaret Dubay Mikus
© 2012

From Thrown Again into the Frazzle Machine

THROWN AGAIN into the FRAZZLE MACHINE: Poems of Grace, Hope, and Healing

THROWN AGAIN into the FRAZZLE MACHINE: Poems of Grace, Hope, and Healing

E-Books on Sale–July only!

thumbnail -- re-sizedThe Great Smashwords Summer / Winter SALE!!! You can buy two of my books (as e-books, all formats) for 25% OFF the usual price. That means you can get both of them (with photos in color) for less than $6! Only for the month of July. Only on Just enter coupon code SSW25 upon check out.

You can read them on an e-book reader OR you can get free Nook, Kindle or iBooks apps for your smart phone or tablet.

This is the perfect time to add one or both of these compelling and uplifting books to your own library: Letting Go and New Beginnings (recently revised) and Thrown Again into the Frazzle Machine. Or give as a thoughtful gift.

Thank you for your support!!!

THROWN AGAIN into the FRAZZLE MACHINE: Poems of Grace, Hope, and Healing

After Orlando

Do you know the Native American story about the grandfather telling about the two wolves we have inside us? This poem is partly from that story and from the Orlando shooting and all the others that continue unrelenting. An effort to work things through.


After Orlando
more becoming known

We are on permanent vigil as events
swirl and darken and repeat unrelenting
as petitions are again signed hopefully
as if that is the answer to everything

Not to knock petitions, I’ve signed my share
but once signed to relax as if
the signing was the action, the change?

All around is dark and light
Inside are the two kinds of wolves
Graphs can tell us some facts interpreted

but who creates the world we breathe in
Is this one of an infinite number
from all the choices that have been made?

Or is this the result of some agreement or
an earth school we knowingly signed onto
to learn something or unlearn something

to release or take on
becoming who we are…more loving?
And the two wolves we all have inside

one generous and loving, one angry and hate-filled
which one wins the fight was asked?
The one you feed.

Margaret Dubay Mikus
© 2016