Author Archives: Margaret Dubay Mikus


This Space of Grace blog is moving soon to a new home, integrated into my newly designed website, All the same posts will be there in the archives and I will be writing more than ever. I am grateful to blogger for this time of connection (since 2009) and I trust I will see you all (and hear from you too) at the new location. You will be automatically transferred, you won’t miss anything so no worries. Thank you to all my readers and to those whose comments encouraged me to keep writing.

Recently I have been researching family history online. Many reasons why this is the time to do it. Questions to answer like: is what I remember actually true? Here is a new poem:

Peony by the Driveway, 2012          Copyright MDMikus

Peony by the Driveway, 2012 Copyright MDMikus


Photo Albums

My mother, one year maybe in the ‘70’s,
took the time to gather all the family photos
and for each of her 7 children made a life story

with bits of baby hair, maybe a curl from the first haircut,
and the tiny beaded wristlet from the maternity hospital
with DUBAY and a blue medal of the Blessed Mother.

Baby pics, posed and natural,
some of us looking so similar, had to tell who was who
by the year on the back or other cues.

And inside the front cover an envelope of negatives
was taped to later make some prints.
In mine, a copy of an old letter from my Grandma Schulte

with news to reassure her daughter, my Mom,
that my brother and I were alright staying with her.
She wrote our daily schedule including snacks and naps,

a newsy description of our interests,
her frequent concern for my hair to stay out of my eyes—
the solution: to give me a permanent.

The love X 7 poured into each album,
her lasting gift, I opened today
and found how close or far off was memory,

how radiantly beautiful
was my mother.

Margaret Dubay Mikus
© 2013

Mom and Me in 2009                      Copyright MDMikus

Mom and Me in 2009 Copyright MDMikus

New Beginnings

2011 LGNB 95 smaller front coverD ebook for Smashwords-2Just had a flash to offer my book,  Letting Go and New Beginnings: A Mother’s Poetic Journey, for FREE for today only, the last day of Read an E-Book Week. Enter coupon code RW100 upon checkout.

When I was editing Letting Go and New Beginnings, I had the idea for my Mom to proof read it. She was struggling with a form of dementia from repeated small strokes and I thought this might help her. And it would help me to have fresh eyes read the pages. As a side benefit it caused me to think back to when she let me go, the first of her seven children to head to college.

On the day my parents dropped me off at the dorm, I was 18 and eager for them to leave and to get on with my new life. With six other kids at home I did not really consider what all this meant to my Dad and Mom, the hole I might leave. Working on the book with my Mom opened a conversation about her feelings when I left home forty years before, giving me new insights.

Here is another poem from Letting Go and New Beginnings: A Mother’s Poetic Journey


Seasoned Woman

Seasoned like a succulent feast
with spices both wild and ordinary,
used in unusual, unexpected combinations,
rich, complex, sweet, sour, simple, bitter-bite,
surprising, challenging the senses, satisfying.

And seasoned like wood now ready for good use,
waiting to be crafted into
something of great beauty and value,
an exquisite table polished to mirror sheen,
a hand-carved boat lovingly left deliberately rough,
a delicate or sturdy figurine shaped
from an almost remembered dream.

And seasoned by the flow of days,
some hard beyond bearing:
what doesn’t break you
makes you stronger.

Young, green, soft-wood no good for burning,
seasoned hardwood ready for flame.

Margaret Dubay Mikus
Copyright 2006

I also read this poem on my CD, Full Blooming: Selections from a Poetic Journal.

On Sale for Read an E-Book Week

2011 LGNB 95 smaller front coverD ebook for SmashwordsStarting Sunday, March 3 — for one week only — you can buy my award winning E-book, Letting Go and New Beginnings: A Mother’s Poetic Journey, for only $1.00! That is 75% off the normal low price. Go to and enter coupon code REW 75 at check out.

For parents letting go of their children or anyone working on letting go for any reason. “Words from the heart and photographs that complement the poems beautifully.” Pramod Uday

True Cost of Guns

In looking through my poems from a few years ago, I found this one. Timely. What do you think?


Pure Economics

How casually we sell guns
as if they were
eggs for breakfast,
a pen to write with,
a book yet unread.

Without understanding
the purpose behind action,
the price of inaction,
the graves yet undug.

From manufacture to distribution
to sales, follow the cost,
the opportunities lost,
for each one of us

and charge accordingly.
How few could then
afford to pay
what was asked?

Margaret Dubay Mikus
© 2008

Happy Winter

Flowers from Stella                (C) 2011 Margaret Dubay Mikus

Flowers from Stella (C) 2011 Margaret Dubay Mikus

Happy New Year! Happy Winter! Record lack of snow for Chicago. And very mild temperatures. Also very late for a first snowfall.Coming Soon! My blog will be an integral part of my newly re-designed website. Last days to see the current version of All previous blog posts and comments will be transferred over to the new site. Still working on the final pieces of the new design. I have learned a lot. I am so excited to share the new site with you! Soon…

Here is my final poem of 2012. I have now been walking or biking (inside) 4 to 5 times a week for 5 1/2 weeks. More of my healthy plan to get back some strength and fitness. It has been hard, but feels good too. On my walks poems have been coming to me about the block I walk on. This is the most recent one.


Past Dusk Walk

First Snowfall

on staying upright.

No frozen dog tracks
no shiny new cyclone fence

enclosing a house yet un-built.
No large lit white brick house

impressive with white twinkling lights
two massive paneled white wood doors

with two big plumed wreaths and bows.
Stop to look up at

three honking geese in a line flying east.
No visible sunset turning sky to rose

just gray clouds turning to darker gray
turning to night black.

No blue and green, red and yellow
lights reflecting in the re-freezing snow-melt.

Concentrate on staying upright
walking home on into the night.

Margaret Dubay Mikus
© 2012

Deer in Backyard                        (C) 2012 Margaret Dubay Mikus

Deer in Backyard (C) 2012 Margaret Dubay Mikus