Bridge Over The Fox River at Night by M D Mikus, Copyright 2012
Changes Everything
It is possible
to forget good exists…
and niceness
or to discount their existence
as if life is a video game
full of unwarranted violence,
inevitable, not even remarkable
anymore, but then remembering
at some point starving for
a little kindness
and receiving without
thought of return
as if we all were neighbors
sometimes in need of a cup of sugar
and that momentary easy connection
changes everything…
Margaret Dubay Mikus
© 2013
From Thrown Again into the Frazzle Machine: Poems of Grace, Hope, and Healing. Listen to the poem here: https://youtu.be/6zpAiDBydGc
This poem is not about going backwards, rather to remember and focus on what we have in common, how everyone needs help or a kind word sometimes. How do we get to there from here?
For now, I decided to keep doing the deeps breaths and “head hug” at the beginning since it helps me and may help others too. Less stressed means better able to focus and affects body, mind, emotions, and spirit. Why not spend a few minutes daily for such a benefit?