Category Archives: change

18–“The Answer” from “Frazzle”

Any chronic problem—whether of the body, mind, emotions or spirit, whether an individual, a family, or the community—sometimes it takes over your life and sometimes it just pops up like an inflated balloon held under water that surfaces now and then, asking for attention.

In this poem, for me, it was a recurring abdominal hernia, but for you it’s probably something very different. There’s a lot of mystery to healing.

“…What once was built, can be re-built
that is not the question.

The answer of course
is yes.
Clearly changes are called for.”

Here is Poem 18, “The Answer,” from “Thrown Again into the Frazzle Machine: Poems of Grace, Hope, and Healing.” Listen here:

What changes are you ready (or almost ready) to make in the name of healing…not just for you, but to radiate all around you?

     For more video poems from “Frazzle”

17–“For John” from “Frazzle”

What do you remember about the choices you made and the chances you took to get where you are right now? Is this where you were headed when you set off?

Poem 17, “For John,” from Thrown Again into the Frazzle Machine: Poems of Grace, Hope, and Healing. Listen here:

For more video poems from “Frazzle”

15–“Remodeling as a Transformative Device (Better than Illness)” from “Frazzle”

In 2009 the world was in the midst of a major financial crisis and both of our grown kids temporarily moved back home while they tried to find jobs. Somehow we had chosen that time to remodel our house. What started as a specific project in the kitchen, expanded to a much-needed update of most of the house. My office was the only untouched room, although full of stuff from elsewhere. Stephen and I went from being well-adjusted on our own, in a quiet place, to true chaos. In a good way, of course.

Over the years, major illnesses have often been my teacher. I’ve gained many insights and deep healing of body, mind, emotions, and spirit. Was there any other—perhaps gentler—way to heal the past and transform my life? Poem 15, “Remodeling as a Transformative Device (Better than Illness),” answers that question. Listen here:


THROWN AGAIN into the FRAZZLE MACHINE: Poems of Grace, Hope, and Healing

Listen to more video poems from “Frazzle”

“Knowing What I Know…” from “Frazzle”

My husband Stephen and I met in college in January of 1972. I was 19 and he was 7 months older. We are no longer those people, who after becoming friends, fell in love that first summer and got married (once I graduated). We’ve changed over and over in 42 years of marriage. Often change is not in sync. It’s like that Bruce Springsteen song, “And if I fall behind, wait for me…” But we’ve been determined and worked through it all…to stay together.

Tonight we went to a powerfully moving recital by opera singer, Joyce Didonato. She continues to be a big inspiration for me to be fearless (including doing this video series). Because I wanted to see her, Stephen encouraged me to get the tickets. He found a lovely new sushi restaurant in Chicago and we made it through traffic to get parked and into the performance in good time, a feat in itself. Stephen liked it. I loved it, even tearing up by her last encore.

That’s one thing that’s kept us close. We each bring something different to the relationship. We’re willing to try something new. And we support each other. I am most grateful. What relationships are you grateful for?

Here is Poem 9 from Thrown Again into the Frazzle Machine: Poems of Grace, Hope, and Healing:

Listen to more video poems from “Frazzle”

“Caused to Stop and Think” from “Frazzle”

From the beginning of my poetic journal 21 years ago, I knew that the most powerful way to deliver my poems was to read them aloud. When I wrote the first one (quite a surprise to me!), it was clear I needed to record it when I gave it to the recipient. I wanted him to hear it the way I had when I wrote it. Over the years, if I wrote a poem for someone I would read it to them in person if possible. Almost 10 years ago I recorded my first CD, Full Blooming: Selections from a Poetic Journal. I chose poems (including 3 songs) from 10 years of writing to express the widest array of my life experiences, from the silly to healing to the darkest moments and all in between. My “full blooming.”

For 24 years I have taken voice lessons with Kip Snyder. I longed to sing with my full voice. As it turned out, that also included my writing voice. As I navigated life’s bumps and bruises, medical challenges, celebrations, and hard times, we kept on. It was not about singing like anyone else, but discovering my own unique voice and trusting in it. Letting go the harsh inner critical judge that held me back. In addition to singing, I also brought my poems to read aloud. For about 8 months now, starting at the beginning, I’ve been reading the poems from Thrown Again into the Frazzle Machine: Poems of Grace Hope, and Healing, 3 to 6 poems at a time. Perhaps I was staying connected to the messages in the verses. I don’t know, it just seemed like the right thing to do, getting ready for something…

Yet even with all this preparation I held back from being too public. The writing is so personal and maybe it felt too exposed. But now is the time for all of us to step up into our full healing power–and we are fabulous healers. These times call for a certain kind of courage and trust. What do you know you need to do, but maybe are fearful? Can you take a small step to bring us your gifts? We need you. All together we can co-create the world we want to live in.

With healing intention, here is poem 4 from Thrown Again into the Frazzle Machine:

Take good care. Thanks for listening.

Listen to more poems from “Frazzle”

THROWN AGAIN into the FRAZZLE MACHINE: Poems of Grace, Hope, and Healing

THROWN AGAIN into the FRAZZLE MACHINE: Poems of Grace, Hope, and Healing