Today’s poem was harder to record than yesterday when I was in the flow of energy from my fresh inspiration. It was not the subject matter, but me. I definitely had “expectations.” A part of me wanted to do it right and that is a familiar trap. I was tempted to keep recording over and over, but that is not the point of this. These poems are me sitting with you at my kitchen table, reading aloud as I’ve been doing for 21 years. A natural human connection, two real people, me and you. And so I offer Poem #2 from Thrown Again into the Frazzle Machine: Poems of Grace, Hope, and Healing, for our ongoing conversation:
Listen to more poems from “Frazzle”
Category Archives: inspiration
A Lifeboat through Hard Times: Reading Poems from “Frazzle”
What can I do to help, to heal myself and all around me? For weeks I have been sitting with this and also knowing deep inside what I needed to do–though not all the details. (See Elizabeth Gilbert’s recent post). Yesterday, in an aha moment, it came to me. So… (deep breath)…I will be reading the poems from my book, “Thrown Again into the Frazzle Machine: Poems of Grace, Hope, and Healing,” one per day, starting at the beginning and posting a video. Twenty-one years ago, after healing from multiple sclerosis, I began a poetic journal. “Frazzle” has selected poems from 5 of those years, 2009-2014. My original understanding was that this book was a “lifeboat through hard times.” I still believe that. And I offer these poems with that intention. So… here we go. Poem 1, “Loving Detachment”:
In Response to Recent Events
Election Results
Even after tonight—
the darkest star-cast night—
the sun will rise on a new morning.
What we do, each and every one
with what hand has been dealt
defines us, shapes what comes.
Even in this uncertain fog
do not succumb to despair.
We have been there before
when the worst happened
a life-threatening diagnosis
and yet…
time passed and here we are.
To be loving in the midst of this
I know it is impossible yet
I ask … and promise.
Margaret Dubay Mikus
© 2016
I wrote this poem out of a need to express strong feelings, one moment before reading a thoughtful Facebook post by Joyce DiDonato (opera singer, teacher, and healer). Her language was almost exactly the same as mine (synchronicity) and I commented about that, quoting the last three lines of this new poem. Through our loving intention (via the internet) we connected with many others. Here is the entire poem, perhaps it might speak to or for you. Please share if you think it could help someone. Thank you.

Sunset As the Road Home Darkens, by MDMikus, Copyright 2016
Choosing Expansive

State Street, Chicago Copyright 2012 MDMikus
I wrote this poem when I was a mentor for a 7th grade girl through the Spark Program. I would drive 30 miles into Chicago and we’d meet at an Argo Tea shop downtown after school. After a snack, we’d talk about and read poetry. She’d write from prompts I gave her or her own ideas, and plan and carry out her project.
In 2012 the high school graduation rate for Chicago public schools was low, about 60%. The Spark Program (begun in San Francisco, now in four cities) was meant to give individual attention and apprenticeships to students to encourage them to stay in school and graduate. I wrote while I waited for her to come, and in my car afterwards, and elsewhere inspired by the whole process. I also took Chicago photos, which I love to do (see above). She ended up creating an amazing collection of her poems paired with her vividly colorful designs (including glitter stickers) and presenting it to the entire group at the end. Very cool!
Here is one of my own “Spark” poems:
Choosing Expansive
(Spark #2)
A door opens
walk through.
Opportunity knocks
A boat glides up to the dock
where you stand waiting
to take you to your dream
no explanations
no guarantees.
If you don’t go
you will wonder
and if you don’t go
what will you do
and if you don’t…go
when will you find out
just what you are made of
just what you could be
if only?
Margaret Dubay Mikus
© 2012
From Thrown Again into the Frazzle Machine

THROWN AGAIN into the FRAZZLE MACHINE: Poems of Grace, Hope, and Healing
Poem Inspired by a Photo by Eric Whitacre
Inspiration comes from all around. It can be very insistent. I may hear some specific words line up, feel compelled to follow and see where that takes me. It feels good. Or I may see some light, shadow and pattern or colors and want to catch them in a photo.
Eric Whitacre is a composer, conductor, and charismatic speaker. He is the creator of Virtual Choir and an all around good guy. I have written many poems inspired by him and his music and the Virtual Choir experience. On his Facebook page he’s been posting photos he takes with his iPhone. Some are in color, some in black and white. On March 24th he posted a photo he took from where he was that day. This picture haunted me, insisting I write this poem. What inspires you to create?
Photo by Eric Whitacre
L.A., Thursday morning, in black and white
What happens before or after
we are not privy to, waves stilled
the calm water on the diagonal
the hard-packed flat sand with few lines
of footprints roughly parallel.
Scattering of clouds in motion
the sun muted and land-bound.
In the distance the Ferris wheel on a pier
precisely drawn yet in silhouette.
The solitary figure heading there or near
or going up to and returning.
The deep horizon both
inviting and ever-retreating.
An unseen witness
who catches this exact moment
between one sandy step and another
without comment except
the frame—what is in, what is out.
Is the man alone or waiting for someone
is he at the beach reflecting, making a decision
or regretting or anticipating?
What is the story this one scene
is part of, perhaps insignificant
perhaps the tragic or comic climax
the still moment before the world changes into
and no going back to what was.
Margaret Dubay Mikus
© 2016
Other blog posts with poems inspired by Eric Whitacre (also some photos)