Category Archives: Thrown Again into the Frazzle Machine

22–“From Mary Jane D. and Stephenie Meyer” from “Frazzle”

Listen to this hopeful poem (#22) “From Mary Jane D. and Stephenie Meyer,” from my book, Thrown Again into the Frazzle Machine: Poems of Grace, Hope, and Healing:

I never know where inspiration will come from, and how different threads will weave together. In the title to this poem, Mary Jane refers to a woman I met through remodeling our home and Stephenie Meyer is the author of the very popular, Twilight book series. She also did a series of interviews about her writing process that were very helpful to me. The guys mentioned in the subtitle were in a social-spiritual group I belonged to and were the direct inspiration for this topic: change that seems catastrophic, shaking the foundations of the life you had built up to that time.

“…the details
don’t matter:
a choice point where

all is divided into
before…and after…”

In my healing work I had been repeatedly shaken up by new diagnoses or other dark circumstances so that I could not go back to my old life, I could only try to move forward into the unknown. I had to become better skilled at and trusting of change. In most or all cases, after time passed I could see how what had looked devastating ultimately had directed me to a better and more satisfying life path.

Has this ever happened to you or someone you know?

Listen to more poems from “Frazzle”

21–“Collagen” from “Frazzle”

Have you ever been discouraged by a problem you worked hard to solve, but it returned? In this part of the story I’m back to dealing with a new hernia, in this case caused by the previous surgeries. I consider the body making collagen (the primary structural protein in our connective tissue) to repair the new breach in my abdominal muscles.

And of course this is about healing at all levels, body, mind, emotions, and spirit—they are not separate. I ask: What might stand in the way of true, permanent healing? What misperceptions or misunderstandings…

“…If I am whole
will the writing stop,
will I cease to hear,

will I forget to pay attention?
What is the ancient deep-seated fear-kernel
of being vibrantly healthy?…”

Poem 21, “Collagen” from Thrown Again into the Frazzle Machine: Poems of Grace, Hope, and Healing. Listen here:





For more video poems from Thrown Again into the Frazzle Machine

20–“From the Stars” from “Frazzle”

What does it mean to be self-accepting, maybe even a smidge lighthearted about life’s journey? To quiet the inner critic and let things just be, even celebrate making it this far?

“…Every wrinkle
tells a story
of care or neglect.

Every scar a tale
of chance or choice,
guilt, healing, awareness, or regret….”

Poem 20, “From the Stars,” from Thrown Again into the Frazzle Machine: Poems of Grace, Hope, and Healing.  Listen to the entire poem here:

Are you willing to give yourself a bit more kindness, no matter all the rest? Say yes.

This poem also appeared in the literary journal, Willow Review (2013) and in Inspiring Story, in Belleruth Naparstek’s blog on (2009)

    For more video poems from Thrown Again into the Frazzle Machine

19–“This Big Thing” from “Frazzle”

This poem feels especially appropriate for today, when there seem to be huge mountains challenging us to climb. To take the first step, to trust and join with the rest, and just do it.

“…From fearful to sure,
or sure enough
to take one step…
then another, not necessarily big leap.

Not to erase the past,
but creating the future, your future…”

Poem 19, “This Big Thing,” from Thrown Again into the Frazzle Machine: Poems of Grace, Hope, and Healing. Listen here:

Although one original inspiration for this poem was our extensive home remodeling, it also applied to the ongoing healing process for me. What might “this big thing” refer to in your own life?

    For more video poems from Thrown Again into the Frazzle Machine

18–“The Answer” from “Frazzle”

Any chronic problem—whether of the body, mind, emotions or spirit, whether an individual, a family, or the community—sometimes it takes over your life and sometimes it just pops up like an inflated balloon held under water that surfaces now and then, asking for attention.

In this poem, for me, it was a recurring abdominal hernia, but for you it’s probably something very different. There’s a lot of mystery to healing.

“…What once was built, can be re-built
that is not the question.

The answer of course
is yes.
Clearly changes are called for.”

Here is Poem 18, “The Answer,” from “Thrown Again into the Frazzle Machine: Poems of Grace, Hope, and Healing.” Listen here:

What changes are you ready (or almost ready) to make in the name of healing…not just for you, but to radiate all around you?

     For more video poems from “Frazzle”