Door County, Wis. Copyright 2014 MDMikus
Stephen and I recently took a short break in Door County, Wisconsin, a drive north of us. We have gone there many times over the years. Each time is different. This time I wanted to tell friends there about poems I wrote last year, inspired by them, that made it into my new book, Thrown Again into the Frazzle Machine: Poems of Grace, Hope, and Healing (coming soon). It was wonderful to be connected through the writing. Of course I also wrote more this year. Here is one.
Why Travel
To open to expand
to try out once
to meet to see
to listen to begin
to taste to experience
away from all past
to shake out the webs from
to consider saying yes
to dip a toe in
to give what has been denied
to break loose
to break off inevitable barnacles
to change perception
to lighten the usual load
to walk in other shoes
to breathe again
to hear music when
to take a chance
and choose.
Margaret Dubay Mikus
© 2014
Sunset, Door County, WIs. Copyright 2014 MDMikus